pix > muppet > nipple piercing

elysse went to NYC for a gig one week when i couldn't go with her; one night while she was gone i got a call in which she described her latest acquisition -- an eyebrow piercing. not to be outdone, i decided to give her a surprise on her return. she'd mentioned that she thought a barbell in my nipple would be cute; i decided to go for it and dispel her unspoken notions that i'm a wuss. ;-)

make no bones about it --- it hurt. but the piercer told me that i took one of the most painful piercings you can get (the left nipple) better than almost anybody he'd ever seen. i didn't actually pass out, but it was a while before i could stand.

and sure enough, it is actually rather enjoyable. several years of rough-clothed shirts had rather desensitized my nipples, and this brought back quite a lot of sensitivity.

i took these webcam shots the night i got it done.